Salem Black
The Worst
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Possessed Human
Birthday: Febuary 14th (Valentine's Day)
Height: 6'3"
Occupation: Serial Killer/Carnival Worker
Weapon of Choice: Stiletto Knife
All art used is by Screech on Code. Tessisamess
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Salem Black is a character that belongs to my best friend. He has been pretty much my special intrerest since I got introduced to this nasty man in 2017. I love him. My first tattoo I have is a referance to him. He means a lot to me, no matter how awful he is.

Salem Black is the, as my best friend put it, the absolute worst person. He has no feeling for humans, minus a handful that truely mean something to him (such as his boyfriend, Alex). He finds murder and toture artistic.

To quote his profile, "Simply put, Salem Black is The Worst Person. Physically strong, agile, manipulative, and quick-thinking, he puts his talents to work by stalking and tormenting others for his own amusement. He's largely a sociopath and cares little for morality or the human race as a whole. To him, laws are made to be bent and broken by those that are confident enough to play with the natural order of society.

He sees murder as an art and himself as an artist, with the whole world as his canvas to play with for his own satisfaction. He makes an elaborate game of stalking, capturing, and torturing his victims before ultimately killing them, either out of excitement or boredom. There are only a handful of people in the world that he sees as exempt from his bloodlust, and he has quite a knack for making those people into depraved killers like himself.

And to top it all off, he can't be killed."

Oh on top of the fact that he is a is a serial killer and loves torture...
He's a necrophiliac.

Not like my OC, Linden (who despises the fact that he is a necrophiliac). No, Salem enjoys what he does.
He's just so nasty and I am so, so, so happy my best friend doesn't find it so weird that I absolutely adore Salem as a fictional character of theirs. I love him.